Disks and File System

In this section you will learn how to get disks information, file system information, disk I/O stats and file system stats:

For function reference and examples we assume, that we imported systeminformation as follows:

const si = require('systeminformation');

Disk Layout, Block Devices and Disks IO

All functions in this section return a promise or can be called with a callback function (parameter cb in the function reference)

Function Result object Linux BSD Mac Win Sun Comments
si.diskLayout(cb) [{...}] X X X physical disk layout (array)
[0].device X X e.g. /dev/sda
[0].type X X X HD, SSD, NVMe
[0].name X X X disk name
[0].vendor X X vendor/producer
[0].size X X X size in bytes
[0].totalCylinders X total cylinders
[0].totalHeads X total heads
[0].totalTracks X total tracks
[0].totalSectors X total sectors
[0].tracksPerCylinder X tracks per cylinder
[0].sectorsPerTrack X sectors per track
[0].bytesPerSector X bytes per sector
[0].firmwareRevision X X X firmware revision
[0].serialNum X X X serial number
[0].interfaceType X X X SATA, PCIe, ...
[0].smartStatus X X X S.M.A.R.T Status (see Known Issues)
[0].temperature X S.M.A.R.T temperature (if available)
[0].smartData X X full S.M.A.R.T data from smartctl
requires at least smartmontools 7.0
(see Known Issues)
const si = require('systeminformation');
si.diskLayout().then(data => console.log(data));
    device: '/dev/nvme0n1',
    type: 'NVMe',
    name: 'SAMSUNG xxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxx',
    vendor: 'Samsung',
    size: 1024209543168,
    bytesPerSector: null,
    totalCylinders: null,
    totalHeads: null,
    totalSectors: null,
    totalTracks: null,
    tracksPerCylinder: null,
    sectorsPerTrack: null,
    firmwareRevision: '',
    serialNum: '...serial....',
    interfaceType: 'PCIe',
    smartStatus: 'unknown',
    smartData: {
      json_format_version: [Array],
      smartctl: [Object],
      device: [Object],
      model_name: 'SAMSUNG xxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxx',
      serial_number: '...serial....',             // full structure
      ...                                         // see index.d.ts
si.blockDevices(cb) [{...}] X X X returns array of disks, partitions,
raids and roms
[0].name X X X name
[0].type X X X type
[0].fsType X X X file system type (e.g. ext4)
[0].mount X X X mount point
[0].size X X X size in bytes
[0].physical X X X physical type (HDD, SSD, CD/DVD)
[0].uuid X X X UUID
[0].label X X X label
[0].model X X model
[0].serial X X serial
[0].removable X X X serial
[0].protocol X X protocol (SATA, PCI-Express, ...)
[0].group X Raid group member (e.g. md1)
[1].device X X X Physical device mapped to (e.g. /dev/sda)
const si = require('systeminformation');
si.blockDevices().then(data => console.log(data));
    name: 'nvme0n1',
    type: 'disk',
    fsType: '',
    mount: '',
    size: 1024209543168,
    physical: 'SSD',
    uuid: '',
    label: '',
    model: 'SAMSUNG xxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxx',
    serial: '... serial ...',
    removable: false,
    protocol: 'nvme',
    group: '',
    device: 'nvme0n1'
si.disksIO(cb) {...} X X current transfer stats
rIO X X read IOs on all mounted drives
wIO X X write IOs on all mounted drives
tIO X X write IOs on all mounted drives
rIO_sec X X read IO per sec (* see notes)
wIO_sec X X write IO per sec (* see notes)
tIO_sec X X total IO per sec (* see notes)
rWaitTime X read IO request time
wWaitTime X write IO request time
tWaitTime X total IO request time
rWaitPercent X read IO request time percent
wWaitPercent X write IO request time percent
tWaitPercent X total IO request time percent
ms X X interval length (for per second values)
const si = require('systeminformation');
setInterval(function() {
  si.disksIO().then(data => {
}, 1000)
{                           // first call
  rIO: 899825,
  wIO: 932331,
  tIO: 1832156,
  rIO_sec: null,
  wIO_sec: null,
  tIO_sec: null,
  ms: 0
{                           // second call
  rIO: 899863,
  wIO: 932331,
  tIO: 1832194,
  rIO_sec: 38.5395537525355,
  wIO_sec: 0,
  tIO_sec: 38.5395537525355,
  ms: 986

File System and File System Stats

Function Result object Linux BSD Mac Win Sun Comments
si.fsSize(drive, cb) [{...}] X X X X returns array of mounted file systems
drive parameter is optional
[0].fs X X X X name of file system
[0].type X X X X type of file system
[0].size X X X X sizes in bytes
[0].used X X X X used in bytes
[0].available X X X X available in bytes
[0].use X X X X used in %
[0].mount X X X X mount point
[0].rw X X X X Read/Write (false if read only)
const si = require('systeminformation');
si.fsSize().then(data => console.log(data));
    fs: '/dev/md2',
    type: 'ext4',
    size: 972577361920,
    used: 59142635520,
    available: 913434726400,
    use: 6.08,
    mount: '/',
    rw: true
si.fsOpenFiles(cb) {...} X X X count max/allocated file descriptors
max X X X count max
allocated X X X count allocated
available X X X count available
const si = require('systeminformation');
si.fsOpenFiles().then(data => console.log(data));
  max: 6566555,
  allocated: 1856,
  available: 0
si.fsStats(cb) {...} X X current transfer stats
rx X X bytes read since startup
wx X X bytes written since startup
tx X X total bytes read + written since startup
rx_sec X X bytes read / second (* see notes)
wx_sec X X bytes written / second (* see notes)
tx_sec X X total bytes reads + written / second
ms X X interval length (for per second values)
const si = require('systeminformation');
setInterval(function() {
  si.fsStats().then(data => {
}, 1000)
{                             // first call
  rx: 14015849472,
  wx: 15316003328,
  tx: 29331852800,
  rx_sec: null,
  wx_sec: null,
  tx_sec: null,
  ms: 0
{                             // second call
  rx: 14015849472,
  wx: 15316007424,
  tx: 29331856896,
  rx_sec: 0,
  wx_sec: 4083.748753738784,
  tx_sec: 4083.748753738784,
  ms: 1003

Getting correct stats values

In disksIO() and fsStats() the results / sec. values (rx_sec, IOPS, ...) are calculated correctly beginning with the second call of the function. It is determined by calculating the difference of transferred bytes / IOs divided by the time between two calls of the function.

The first time you are calling one of this functions, you will get -1 for transfer rates. The second time, you should then get statistics based on the time between the two calls ...

So basically, if you e.g. need a values for filesystem stats stats every second, your code should look like this:

const si = require('systeminformation');

setInterval(function() {
    si.fsStats().then(data => {
}, 1000)

Beginning with the second call, you get file system transfer values per second.