
In this section you will learn how to get general systeminformation data. We will also cover the "get" and "get-all" functions to get partial or all data with one single call.

For function reference and examples we assume, that we imported systeminformation as follows:

const si = require('systeminformation');

Lib-Version and Time/Timezone

The first two functions just give back systeminformation library version number and time/timezone information of your machine. These are the only two functions not returning a promise (so they are not async functions):

Function Result object Linux BSD Mac Win Sun Comments
si.version() : string X X X X X lib version (no callback/promise)
si.time() {...} X X X X X object (no callback/promise) with:
current X X X X X local (server) time
uptime X X X X X uptime in number of seconds
timezone X X X X X e.g. GMT+0200
timezoneName X X X X X e.g. CEST

Keep in mind, that there is another function si.versions() that will return versions of other system libraries and software packages

Get Defined Result Object

Normally you would call each of the functions (where you want to get detailed system information) seperately. The docs pages contain a full reference (with examples) for each available function. But there is also another really handy way to get a self-defined result object in one single call:

The si.get() function is an alternative, where you can obtain several system information data in one call. You can define a json object which represents the data structure you are expecting and the si.get() call will then return all of the requested data in a single result object

Function Result object Linux BSD Mac Win Sun Comments
si.get(valueObject,cb) {...} X X X X X get partial data at once
Specify return object for all
values that should be returned:
const si = require('systeminformation');

// define all values, you want to get back
valueObject = {
  cpu: '*',
  osInfo: 'platform, release',
  system: 'model, manufacturer'

si.get(valueObject).then(data => console.log(data));
  cpu: {
    manufacturer: 'Intel®',
    brand: 'Core™ i7-8569U',
    vendor: 'GenuineIntel',
    family: '6',
    model: '142',
    stepping: '10',
    revision: '',
    voltage: '',
    speed: '2.80',
    speedmin: '2.80',
    speedmax: '2.80',
    governor: '',
    cores: 8,
    physicalCores: 4,
    processors: 1,
    socket: '',
    cache: { l1d: 32768, l1i: 32768, l2: 262144, l3: 8388608 }
  osInfo: {
    platform: 'darwin',
    release: '10.15.4'
  system: {
    model: 'MacBookPro15,2',
    manufacturer: 'Apple Inc.'

The key names of the valueObject must be exactly the same as the representing function within systeminformation.

Providing parameters to the get() function

Now you can also provide parameters to get() functions (where needed). Just pass the parameters in parentheses right after the wanted keys: have a look at the folloging example:

Function Result object Linux BSD Mac Win Sun Comments
si.get(valueObject,cb) {...} X X X X X example with parameters:
value in paretheses goes as parameter
to the given function:
const si = require('systeminformation');

// define all values, you want to get back
// here the value in paretheses goes as a parameter
// to the processLoad function

valueObject = {
  processLoad: 'pids, cpu (postgres)'
si.get(valueObject).then(data => console.log(data));
  processLoad: {
  pids: [
    640, 643, 654,
    655, 656, 657,
    658, 659
    cpu: 0.63

Get All At Once

The following three functions si.getStaticData(), si.getDynamicData() and si.getAllData() will return most of the available data in a single result object:

Function Result object Linux BSD Mac Win Sun Comments
si.getStaticData(cb) {...} X X X X X all static data at once
si.getDynamicData(srv,iface,cb) {...} X X X X X all dynamic data at once
Specify services and interfaces to monitor
Defaults to first external network interface
Pass "*" for ALL services (linux/win only)
Pass "*" for ALL network interfaces
si.getAllData(srv,iface,cb) {...} X X X X X all data at once
Specify services and interfaces to monitor
Defaults to first external network interface
Pass "*" for ALL services (linux/win only)
Pass "*" for ALL network interfaces

Static data is all hardware related (or more or less constant) data like system, baseboard, bios, OS, versions, cpu, network interfces, memory and disk layout

Dynamic data will return user, cpu-speed, load, processes, services, temperature, file system, network and disk stats, ...

As not all funtions are supported in each operating system the result object might be different in each OS.

ATTENTION: Use this only if you really need ALL information. Especially on Windows this can take really long (up to 20 seconds) because the underlying WMIC command is very slow when using it the first time.