
In this section you will learn how to get detailed information about network interfaces, network connections and statistics as well as some internet related information (latency, check availability of site):

For function reference and examples we assume, that we imported systeminformation as follows:

const si = require('systeminformation');

Network Interfaces, Network Stats, Network Connections

All functions in this section return a promise or can be called with a callback function (parameter cb in the function reference)

Function Result object Linux BSD Mac Win Sun Comments
si.networkInterfaces(cb) [{...}] X X X X X array of network interfaces (objects)
[0].iface X X X X X interface
[0].ifaceName X X X X X interface name (differs on Windows)
[0].ip4 X X X X X ip4 address
[0].ip4subnet X X X X X ip4 subnet mask
[0].ip6 X X X X X ip6 address
[0].ip6subnet X X X X X ip6 subnet mask
[0].mac X X X X X MAC address
[0].internal X X X X X true if internal interface
[0].virtual X X X X X true if virtual interface
[0].operstate X X X up / down
[0].type X X X wireless / wired
[0].duplex X X duplex (full/half)
[0].mtu X X MUT maximum transmission unit
[0].speed X X X Speed in Mbit / s
[0].dhcp X X X IP address obtained by DHCP
[0].dnsSuffix X X DNS suffix
[0].ieee8021xAuth X X IEEE 802.1x Auth
[0].ieee8021xState X X X IEEE 802.1x State
[0].carrierChanges X # changes up/down
const si = require('systeminformation');
si.networkInterfaces().then(data => console.log(data));
    iface: 'lo0',
    ifaceName: 'lo0',
    ip4: '',
    ip4subnet: '',
    ip6: '::1',
    ip6subnet: 'ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff',
    mac: '',
    internal: true,
    virtual: false,
    operstate: 'down',
    type: 'wired',
    duplex: 'full',
    mtu: 16384,
    speed: -1,
    dhcp: false,
    dnsSuffix: '',
    ieee8021xAuth: '',
    ieee8021xState: '',
    carrierChanges: 0
    iface: 'en0',
    ifaceName: 'en0',
    ip4: '',
    ip4subnet: '',
    ip6: 'fe80::134a:1e43:abc5:d413',
    ip6subnet: 'ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff::',
    mac: 'xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx',
    internal: false,
    virtual: false,
    operstate: 'up',
    type: 'wired',
    duplex: 'full',
    mtu: 1500,
    speed: 1000,
    dhcp: true,
    dnsSuffix: '',
    ieee8021xAuth: '',
    ieee8021xState: '',
    carrierChanges: 0
  }, ...
si.networkInterfaceDefault(cb) : string X X X X X get name of default network interface
const si = require('systeminformation');
si.networkInterfaceDefault().then(data => console.log(data));
si.networkGatewayDefault(cb) : string X X X X X get default network gateway
const si = require('systeminformation');
si.networkGatewayDefault().then(data => console.log(data));
si.networkStats(iface,cb) [{...}] X X X X current network stats of given interfaces,
iface list: comma separated,
iface parameter is optional,
defaults to first external network interface,
pass '*' for all interfaces
[0].iface X X X X interface
[0].operstate X X X X up / down
[0].rx_bytes X X X X received bytes overall
[0].rx_dropped X X X X received dropped overall
[0].rx_errors X X X X received errors overall
[0].tx_bytes X X X X transferred bytes overall
[0].tx_dropped X X X X transferred dropped overall
[0].tx_errors X X X X transferred errors overall
[0].rx_sec X X X X received bytes / second (* see notes)
[0].tx_sec X X X X transferred bytes per second (* see notes)
[0].ms X X X X interval length (for per second values)
const si = require('systeminformation');
setInterval(function() {
  si.networkStats().then(data => {
}, 1000)
  {                                 // first call
    iface: 'en0',
    operstate: 'up',
    rx_bytes: 1752866207,
    rx_dropped: 0,
    rx_errors: 0,
    tx_bytes: 180934681,
    tx_dropped: 0,
    tx_errors: 0,
    rx_sec: -1,
    tx_sec: -1,
    ms: 0
  {                                 // second call
    iface: 'en0',
    operstate: 'up',
    rx_bytes: 1752866822,
    rx_dropped: 0,
    rx_errors: 0,
    tx_bytes: 180939820,
    tx_dropped: 0,
    tx_errors: 0,
    rx_sec: 624.3654822335026,
    tx_sec: 5217.258883248731,
    ms: 985
si.networkConnections(cb) [{...}] X X X X current network network connections
returns an array of all connections
[0].protocol X X X X tcp or udp
[0].localaddress X X X X local address
[0].localport X X X X local port
[0].peeraddress X X X X peer address
[0].peerport X X X X peer port
[0].state X X X X like ESTABLISHED, TIME_WAIT, ...
[0].pid X X X X process ID
[0].process X X process name
const si = require('systeminformation');
si.networkConnections().then(data => console.log(data));
    protocol: 'tcp4',
    localaddress: '',
    localport: '55788',
    peeraddress: '',
    peerport: '443',
    state: 'CLOSE_WAIT',
    pid: 702,
    process: ''
    protocol: 'tcp4',
    localaddress: '',
    localport: '55761',
    peeraddress: '',
    peerport: '22',
    state: 'ESTABLISHED',
    pid: 7267,
    process: ''

Site availability, Internet Latency

Function Result object Linux BSD Mac Win Sun Comments
si.inetChecksite(url, cb) {...} X X X X X response-time (ms) to fetch given URL
url X X X X X given url
ok X X X X X status code OK (2xx, 3xx)
status X X X X X status code
ms X X X X X response time in ms
const si = require('systeminformation');
si.inetChecksite('').then(data => console.log(data));
  url: '',
  ok: true,
  status: 301,
  ms: 82
si.inetLatency(host, cb) : number X X X X X response-time (ms) to external resource
host parameter is optional (default
const si = require('systeminformation');
si.inetLatency().then(data => console.log(data));
// Example with given host IP address
const si = require('systeminformation');
si.inetLatency('').then(data => console.log(data));

Getting correct stats values

In networkStats() the results / sec. values (rx_sec, tx_sec, ...) are calculated correctly beginning with the second call of the function. It is determined by calculating the difference of transferred bytes / IOs divided by the time between two calls of the function.

The first time you are calling one of this functions, you will get -1 for transfer rates. The second time, you should then get statistics based on the time between the two calls ...

So basically, if you e.g. need a values for filesystem stats stats every second, your code should look like this:

const si = require('systeminformation');

setInterval(function() {
    si.networkStats().then(data => {
}, 1000)

Beginning with the second call, you get network transfer values per second.